Pivoting Out of Consulting: How to Find Your Next Position

If you're looking to make a change from consulting, it's important to take some time to reflect on your personal goals and use the people you know to connect. Update your resume and online profiles, and don't forget that big companies are always looking for alumni. Consulting experience can give you an edge when entering a company at a higher level than other professionals with the same amount of experience, but outside of consulting. The most common role for consulting alumni is strategy, but our analysis of people hired through Movemeon shows that there are also other interesting functions available, such as operations and product management. Consulting is still one of the most powerful tools to boost a professional career for years, more so than an MBA.

However, if you're looking to leave your current role type, that would require a different guide.

Léo Poitevin
Léo Poitevin

Certified pizza specialist. Incurable food evangelist. Tv advocate. Amateur travel lover. Hardcore pizza practitioner.