How hard is it to get a management consulting job?

Consulting is the most popular career path for MBA students, and consulting jobs are extremely competitive. This means that there are a lot of hard-working people competing for very prestigious jobs. The biggest problem is that most candidates are working very hard to get a job that they know next to nothing about. Above all, there aren't many positions in major consulting firms.

The reason for this is simple. In a single consulting project, the “hard yards” that analysts don't take so much time. If you compare it to a law firm or an investment bank, its basic cases or M&A projects require a large number of staff hours. And that's just to carry out their most basic work.

Literally, they need to hire so many graduates to do proofreading in a law firm and calculating numbers in a bank. Most consultants enter the field at the graduate level, with a strong academic background. Top firms recruit hundreds of the best and brightest graduates for their graduate programs every year. Graduates will be referred to as “analysts” and will support senior consultants.

Many plans work with a rotation system, so you can experience a variety of practices and consulting areas. Consulting is a highly sought after professional option and involves one of the most difficult hiring processes in the business world. It requires a certain type of person with specific personality traits not only to receive an offer, but also to be successful at work. A good mentor should be someone with a lot of experience, insight and knowledge in the consulting industry.

Therefore, it is very important to determine if you have all the necessary qualities that can help you be a successful consultant. While the hours can be sadly long and unsocial, the flip side is that you'll develop close ties with your colleagues, and most consulting firms offer great benefits, such as company cars, free meals, sabbatical opportunities, and gym memberships. Consulting is a customer-oriented function, so it's important to have good interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence. The steep learning curve of life as a junior consultant means that you'll work with senior clients and have a high level of responsibility early in your career.

All successful people in the consulting industry agree that it's vital that all new entrants to the industry are equipped with the relevant consulting skills and knowledge. If you're the type of person who is naturally committed to your own self-improvement, you'll do well in consulting, as it requires a willingness to follow a steep and fast learning curve. However, it can be difficult to know how to differentiate yourself from the crowd when trying to start a career in management consulting. You should always keep up to date by reading magazines, newspapers and websites, as well as establishing contacts with other people in the consulting industry.

Whether you're new, interested in the consulting industry, or an experienced consultant looking for a full-time opportunity in the consulting industry, getting an internship or a job in the sector can be an overwhelming task. It's important to understand that you must establish contacts with people in the consulting industry if you want to enter the sector. This may seem a little obvious given the type of work that the main consulting firms do, but you need to be interested in discussing, analyzing and solving business problems. The work done by management consultants can be varied, including e-commerce, marketing, supply chain management, and business strategy.

He or she should be in a position to help you explore your career as a consultant and even to help you develop strategies for how you can find better job opportunities in consulting. The growth of the consulting industry is closely related to the evolution of the global economy, according to the consultancy. Therefore, you should ensure that your level of knowledge as a consultant is broad enough to determine when to research in order to find the necessary solutions or ask questions. .

Léo Poitevin
Léo Poitevin

Certified pizza specialist. Incurable food evangelist. Tv advocate. Amateur travel lover. Hardcore pizza practitioner.